
Wikidata is an open knowledge base hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. Wikidata acts as the central source of common, open structured data used by Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikisource, and others. It is used in a variety of academic and industrial applications.

In recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of scientific publications around Wikidata. While there are a number of venues for the Wikidata community to exchange, none of those publish original research. We want to bridge the gap between these communities and the research events and give the research-focused part of the Wikidata community a venue to meet and exchange information and knowledge.

The Wikidata Workshop 2020 focuses on the challenges and opportunities of working on a collaborative open-domain knowledge graph such as Wikidata, which is edited by an international and multilingual community. We encourage submissions that observe the influence such a knowledge graph has on the web of data, as well as those working on improving this knowledge graph itself. This workshop brings together everyone working around Wikidata in both the scientific field and industry to discuss trends and topics around this collaborative knowledge graph.

What is Wikidata?

Call for Papers

The papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three researchers. Selected papers will be published on CEUR (we only publish to CEUR if the authors agree to have their papers published). Papers have to be submitted through easychair.

Submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wikidataworkshop2020

Important Dates

Papers due: August 17, 2020

(Extended) August 10, 2020

Notification of accepted papers: October 5, 2020

Camera ready papers due: October 15, 2020

Workshop date: November 02, 2020

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must be as PDF, formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For details on the LNCS style, see Springer’s Author Instructions.

We will accept papers up to 12 pages (excluding references, contribution of the paper should justify the length of the paper), including the following:

Novel research contributions (7-12 pages)
Novel research contributions of smaller scope than full papers (3-6 pages)
Presenting a novel idea, that is not yet in the scope of a research contribution (6-8 pages)
Presenting a new dataset or other resource, includes the publication of that resource (8-12 pages)
Presenting a system based on research concepts (6-8 pages)

Schedule Detail

The workshop time is: 3 - 8 pm (CET), 2 - 7 pm (UK), 6 - 11 am (California, US)

All times below in CET.

To join the workshop, use this zoom link

Registration to the Wikidatat Workshop through ISWC: https://iswc2020.semanticweb.org/attending/registration/

  • 15:00 - 15:15


    Welcome from the organisers, agenda, rules of engagement
  • 15:15 - 15:50


    Lydia Pintscher, Wikidata, Wikimedia Deutschland
  • 15:50 - 16:30

    Lightening Talks

    Short (2 minute) overview over all papers
  • 16:30 - 16:35

    Short break

  • 16:35 - 17:05

    Poster Session 1: Case Studies on Wikidata

  • 17:05 - 17:25

    Long break

  • 17:25 - 18:00

    Poster session 2: Wikidata and its Applications

  • 18:00 - 18:30


    Katherine Thornton, Yale University Library
  • 18:30 - 18:35

    Short break

  • 18:35 - 19:05

    Poster session 3: Wikidata and Wikipedia

  • 19:05 - 19:10

    Short break

  • 19:10 - 19:55


  • 19:55 - 20:00


    Concluding remarks, closing
Poster session 1: Case Studies on Wikidata 16:35 - 17:05 (CET)
Room 1: Simon Razniewski and Priyanka Das: Structured knowledge: Have we made progress? An extrinsic study of KB coverage over 19 years
Room 2: Filip Ilievski, Pedro Szekely and Daniel Schwabe: Commonsense Knowledge in Wikidata
Room 4: Eva Seidlmayer, Jakob Voß, Tetyana Melnychuk, Lukas Galke, Klaus Tochtermann,Carsten Schultz and Konrad U. Förstner: ORCID for Wikidata. Data enrichment for scientometric applications

Poster session 2: Wikidata and its Applications 17:25 - 18:00 (CET)
Room 1: Antonin Delpeuch: OpenTapioca - Lightweight Entity Linking for Wikidata
Room 1: Antonin Delpeuch : Running a Reconciliation Service for Wikidata
Room 2: Marco Caballero and Aidan Hogan: Global Vertex Similarity for Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs
Room 3: David Martin and Peter Patel-Schneider: Wikidata Constraints on MARS
Room 4: Alejandro González Hevia, Guillermo Facundo Colunga, Emilio Rubiera Azcona and Jose Emilio Labra Gayo: Automatic synchronization of RDF graphs representing ontologies and Wikibase instances

Poster session 3: Wikidata and Wikipedia 18:35 - 19:05
Room 1: Natalia Ostapuk, Djellel Difallah and Philippe Cudre-Mauroux: SectionLinks: Mapping Orphan Wikidata Entities onto Wikipedia Sections
Room 2: Paolo Curotto and Aidan Hogan: Suggesting Citations for Wikidata Claims based on Wikipedia's External References
Room 3: Isaac Johnson: Analyzing Wikidata Transclusion on English Wikipedia
Room 4: Marc Miquel Ribé: Diversity in a Language-Independent Wiki: Six Design Requirements and Goals to Embed a Diversity Mindset

Our Speakers

speaker img

Lydia Pintscher

Wikidata, Wikimedia Deutschland

Keynote & Panel

speaker img

Kat Thornton

Yale University Library

Keynote: Wikidata's Schema Namespace: Interlinked Data Models That Anyone Can Edit


Harmonia Amanda

Wikidata Community Member

Heiko Paulheim

University of Mannheim, Germany

Vicki Tardif

Google Knowledge Graph

Lydia Pintscher

Wikidata, Product Manager

Vladimir Alexiev

Ontotext, Chief Data Architect


Co-located with ISWC 2020

Online event

Image: Wikimedia Hackathon 2020, CC-BY-SA 4.0

Accepted Papers

Simon Razniewski and Priyanka Das
Structured knowledge: Have we made progress? An extrinsic study of KB coverage over 19 years

Antonin Delpeuch: OpenTapioca
Lightweight Entity Linking for Wikidata

Marc Miquel Ribé
Diversity in a Language-Independent Wiki: Six Design Requirements and Goals to Embed a Diversity Mindset

Alejandro González Hevia, Guillermo Facundo Colunga, Emilio Rubiera Azcona and Jose Emilio Labra Gayo
Automatic synchronization of RDF graphs representing ontologies and Wikibase instances

Isaac Johnson
Analyzing Wikidata Transclusion on English Wikipedia

Eva Seidlmayer, Jakob Voß, Tetyana Melnychuk, Lukas Galke, Klaus Tochtermann,
Carsten Schultz and Konrad U. Förstner
ORCID for Wikidata. Data enrichment for scientometric applications

Filip Ilievski, Pedro Szekely and Daniel Schwabe
Commonsense Knowledge in Wikidata

David Martin and Peter Patel-Schneider
Wikidata Constraints on MARS

Natalia Ostapuk, Djellel Difallah and Philippe Cudre-Mauroux
SectionLinks: Mapping Orphan Wikidata Entities onto Wikipedia Sections

Paolo Curotto and Aidan Hogan
Suggesting Citations for Wikidata Claims based on Wikipedia's External References

Marco Caballero and Aidan Hogan
Global Vertex Similarity for Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs

Antonin Delpeuch
Running a Reconciliation Service for Wikidata


Organizing Committee

Lucie-Aimée Kaffee, University of Southampton. lucie.kaffee[[@]]gmail.com

Lucie-Aimée Kaffee is a PhD candidate at ECS, University of Southampton and research intern at Bloomberg’s AI Group in London. She was previously a research fellow at TIB, Hannover and software developer in the Wikidata team, Wikimedia Germany. Her research focus is multilingual linked data in collaborative knowledge graphs, and she has published on Wikidata research. Lucie was the proceedings chair of ISWC 2018, OC of AMAR: First International Workshop on Approaches for Making Data Interoperable at SEMANTiCS 2019 and participated in the PC of The Web Conference 2020, AAAI-20 Students, ESWC 2019, ISWC 2019 and SEMANTiCS 2019 and of the workshops Wikidata Quality 2019 and Workshop on Contextualized Knowledge Graphs at ISWC 2018 and ISWC 2019. She has organized Ladies that FOSS (2016), an event to enable a more diverse open source development community, Wikidata meetings in London (2018) and was part of the committee of WikidataCon 2019.

Oana Tifrea-Marciuska, Bloomberg. otifreamarci[[@]]bloomberg.net

Oana Tifrea-Marciuska is a senior research scientist and engineer with Bloomberg’s AI Group in London. She received her Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, in 2017. From 2016 to 2018, she was with the Alan Turing Institute in London and the University of Oxford as a Post-Doctoral Researcher and a Visiting Researcher, respectively. Her research ranges from Semantic Web, personalisation, adaptive learning systems and semantic parsing. She is the co-founder of Oxford Women in Computer Science Society (OxWoCS), that aims to promote and support women in computer science. She co-organised for OxWoCS various events like panels, industry events, distinguished speakers events and Oxbridge Women in Computer Science Conference (an annual conference co-organised by OxWoCS and Cambridge women@CL that aims to bring together junior and senior female computer scientists at Oxford and Cambridge, with the aim to encourage collaboration through formal and informal discussion). Dr. Tifrea-Marciuska was a recipient of multiple awards and honors, including the EPSRC Doctoral Prize, the Google European Fellowship in Social Search, and the Google Anita Scholarship.

Elena Simperl, University of Southampton. E.Simperl[[@]]soton.ac.uk

Elena Simperl is professor of computer science at the University of Southampton and director of the Southampton Data Science Academy. She is also one of the Directors of the Web Science Institute, a Turing Fellow and a Fellow of the British Computer Society. Before joining Southampton in 2012, she was assistant professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany (2010-12) and vice-director of the Semantic Technologies Institute (STI) Innsbruck, Austria (2007-10). She has contributed to more than 20 research projects, often as principal investigator or project lead. Currently she is the PI of four grants: the EU-funded Data Pitch, which supports SMEs to innovate with data, the EU-funded QROWD, which uses crowd and artificial intelligence to improve smart transportation systems, the EPSRC-funded Data Stories, which works on methods and tools to make data more engaging, and the EU funded ACTION, which develops social computing methods for citizen science. She authored more than 150 papers in semantic technologies, linked data, social computing and crowdsourcing and was programme/general chair of the European and International Semantic Web Conference, the European Data Forum and the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing.

Denny Vrandečić, Wikimedia Foundation. dvrandecic[[@]]wikimedia.org

Denny Vrandečić is head of the Abstract Wikipedia project. He was an ontologist for the Google Knowledge Graph, founder of Wikidata, the collaboratively edited knowledge base behind Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects, founding administrator of the Croatian Wikipedia, co-creator of the widely used Semantic MediaWiki software, and was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation. He received a PhD from KIT on the topic of ontology evaluation. He has been working in Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Rome, Los Angeles, Berlin, and now San Francisco.

Program Committee

Dan Brickley, Google

Andrew D. Gordon, Microsoft Research & University of Edinburgh

Dennis Diefenbach, University Jean Monet

Aidan Hogan, Universidad de Chile

Markus Krötzsch, Technische Universität Dresden

Edgar Meij, Bloomberg

Claudia Müller-Birn, FU Berlin

Finn Årup Nielsen, Technical University of Denmark

Thomas Pellissier Tanon, Télécom ParisTech

Lydia Pintscher, Wikidata, Wikimedia Deutschland

Alessandro Piscopo, BBC

Marco Ponza, University of Pisa

Simon Razniewski, Max Planck Institute for Informatics

Miriam Redi, Wikimedia Foundation

Cristina Sarasua, University of Zurich

Maria-Esther Vidal, TIB Hannover

Pavlos Vougiouklis, Huawei Technologies, Edinburgh

Zainan Victor Zhou, Google

In memory of Amrapali Zaveri, who would have been on the program committee.